CPI is proud to partner with the International Concrete Repair Institute​ to help improve the quality of concrete repair throughout the industry

Quality Control Test Rental Kit

for use with lCRl's Concrete Surface Repair Technician Certification

CPI Foundation

Click here for rental kit overview video

To rent this kit, you must first register for the CRST Certification Program with ICRI then place your rental order.

Rental cost:

Full kit (includes camera): $200 + shipping for a 2 week rental (the rental period begins when the kit arrives and ends when the renter ships the kit back)

$1500 Deposit

Camera only: $50 + shipping for a 2 week rental (the rental period begins when the kit arrives and ends when the renter ships the kit back)
Rentals are only available in the continental US

To rent a kit, please contact:

Terry Daniel
Phone: 443-561-3653 
click here to email Terry

National Park Military Training Program

Veteran Participants interviewed by Concrete Construction Magazine